Let's See if I Can Keep This Up
Well, it's the beginning of October, which means it's NaNoWriMo planning time again.
How many of you are participating? Do you know what you're going to do yet? And if you do, what's a one-sentence summary of the plot? For me, it's:
A stinky superhero and his gadget-girl sidekick try to stop the zombie apocalypse.
How many of you are participating? Do you know what you're going to do yet? And if you do, what's a one-sentence summary of the plot? For me, it's:
A stinky superhero and his gadget-girl sidekick try to stop the zombie apocalypse.
Hrrrm. A one sentence summary? Oh dear.
Pride has more than its share of consequences.
Does that work? Either way, my synopsis is on my blog. :D Good luck this year! I'll be watching for updates.
-Signed, a fellow nanoer.
Hey! Another NaNoer here. Here's my encouragement and I'll be watching to give more during your progress. Good luck with 08!
-NaNoer: squiggily.wiggily
And my summary:
A month-long love letter.
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