
A blog completely dedicated to Nire's yearly attempts at NaNoWriMo. Watch the insanity unfold.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Ten years and more than a hundred additional pounds later, I'm back riding again.

In addition to my weekly riding lesson, I spend a lot of time surfing the internet, reading books, and writing my own.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Days Four and Five


When viewed singularly, today was a productive day. I wrote a bit more than 4000 words. When viewed as a catch-up, though, it was sub par. Instead of going a hundred or so words over my 2K words goal, I went 15 over (for each day) at the most.

But, my morale is back up there. I brought my laptop into school and got to school an extra hour early. It was semi-motivating to work in the CC. On the one hand, my friends were interested in what I was doing and the ones who already knew were bugging me about my word count. But on the other hand, the ones who didn’t know wanted me to explain NaNoWriMo to them and what my plot was. So that was pretty distracting.

I talked to Sid a lot about the plot and what was going to happen. That helped me get some things ironed out that I hadn’t thought of and he pointed out a couple errors in what I was thinking (note to self: Rome is NOT in Greece…). One of the suggestions made in No Plot? No Problem! was to not talk about what you were writing with other people. While I can understand the basis behind this – for a long time my idea was just talk because it was so much easier to talk about what I was going to write than actually write it. But I’m finding now that it helps a lot to discuss what’s going on with other people so that they can point out the flaws in my logic that I’m missing. I’m sure that it’s costing me something in productivity because it is a lot easier to discuss what’s happening than write it, but it’s saving me editing time in the long run.

I did a lot of writing in front of the TV today. It made everything go a lot slower and it was a lot harder to concentrate on what I was doing, so I probably won’t do that again.


Wrote a bit in the CC, wrote a bit during Elements of Writing, was going to write a bit during CS but the battery in my laptop wouldn't work.

I went over Bethany's after school and by the time I got home I was exhausted, so I didn't get anything else done. Oh well. There's a coffee chat tomorrow at the Border's in Framingham, so I'll try to get tons done there.


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